Medical and Scientific Advisory Board |
- Keith Hyland, PhD
Director of Neurochemistry Laboratory
Kimberly H. Courtwright & Joseph W. Summers Institute of Metabolic Disease
Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
- Darryl C. De Vivo, MD
Sidney Carter Professor of Neurology
Professor of Pediatrics
Director of Pediatric Neurology
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
New York, New York

- K. Michael Gibson, PhD, FACMG
Molecular and Medical Genetics & Pediatrics
Director, Biochemical Genetics Laboratory
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, Oregon

- Kathryn J. Swoboda, MD
Pediatric Neurology and Genetics
Primary Children's Medical Center
Salt Lake City, Utah

- Phillip L. Pearl, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
The George Washington University School of Medicine
Children's National Medical Center
Washington, DC

- Andrea Gropman, MD
Pediatric Neurology and Genetics
National Institute of Health and Children's National Medical Center
Neurogenetics Branch
Bethesda, Maryland
- Clive N. Svendsen Ph.D.
Coordinator, Pathology, Histology, Stereology
Waisman Center
Madison Wisconsin
- Nenad Blau, PhD
Division of Clinical Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Children's Hospital
Zurich, Switzerland
- Georg F. Hoffmann, MD
Department of Pediatrics
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany
- Masaya Segawa MD, PhD
Segawa Neurological Clinic
Tokyo ,Japan
- Roser Pons, MD
Movement Disorder Center
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
New York, New York
- Blair Ford, MD
Movement Disorder Center
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
New York, New York