AADC Dollar for Dollar Drive

AADC Members,
Season's Greetings!

PND needs your support. PND has donated $40,000 towards AADC gene therapy project and has made a commitment for another $10,000 for next year. But we are a parent driven organization, and without your financial support, we can't make progress towards a better treatment or a cure for this terrible disease.

Venu Prabhakar and Priya Kannusamy, parents of Swathi Prabhakar with AADC deficiency, are generously offering a dollar for dollar match up to $5000 until the end of January 2013.

So, every dollar you donate until 01/31/2013 will double in value up to $5000. Our goal is at least $10,000 at the end of the drive. Please spread the word to your family, friends and make use of social media. We can't fund the great research proposals that come our way without your continued support.

PND is a 501c3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible.

Please donate by the end of this year. Ask your employer if they will match your contribution.

If you prefer donating by check, add AADC Dollar for Dollar Drive on the memo line, and send it to the following address:

5 dutchess lane
Dayton NJ